April 19, 2023
All of us on the mainly music team thank all the the mums, dads, grandparents and little ones who have participated in our mainly music program. What a great time we have had so far and look forward to seeing you this term. Monday 1st May 2023
Session starts 10am to 11.30am
What is mainly music– it is a renowned fun, safe and playful music activity for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers interacting with their parents or guardians and connecting with others.
Registrations required at the mainly music check in desk in the foyer. Morning tea supplied for all and at a cost of $5 per family.
If you would like your little ones to be part of this experience, please contact reception at the Grain Shed on 50329449 or email [email protected]. Bookings are essential as numbers are limited.